Life insurance is something you do for the ones who count on you. It provides the safety net they need if you are not there to provide them with your income. It can help pay for your final expenses, but it is more than that. It may be the difference between being able to maintain the life they have now and having to downsize or sell the family home. At Oakley Insurance Group in Tucson, AZ, we understand there has to be a balance between what your loved ones may need and what you can financially provide.
Coming up with the right balance of affordability and protection can be challenging. You need to think long and hard about the amount of life insurance your family will require if you are not there to provide your income. Two main types of life insurance are available to you, and they both provide valuable coverage.
Whole life is a type of life insurance that stays with you for your whole life. Getting it when you are young locks in a low premium. The premium is forever, and it never goes up. It earns dividends that increase the policy's value, and if you ever need to, you can borrow from this policy.
Term life insurance has a term. It can be anywhere from five years to 30 years, and at the end of the term, there is no cash value. You are paying for the death benefit for a specific number of years. If you still need to have protection at the end of the term, it will be more expensive than it was before since your age affects the amount you pay. But if you need large amounts of life insurance, it is an affordable option. It is the way to go when you have young children.
Contact Oakley Insurance Group in Tucson, AZ when you are ready to discuss your life insurance needs.